Featured Speakers

Associate Professor Beijing University / Pengcheng Lab

CEO OpnTec Germany

Software Engineer Red Hat

Technology and Startups
Learn about new developments in software, hardware, science and machine learning. Meet developers of Open Source neurotech, laptops that can send and receive on all frequencies, cloud deployment technologies like Kubernetes and web technologies across the board. In the business track you will meet startups that tell us how they succeed with Open Tech.

OpenTech, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain
What are the technologies and scientific achievements that make our world run? What is the role of Data Scientists today? We have sessions on AI and machine learning personal assistants, sessions on Open Source solutions, customized hardware production and applications using Arduinos, Rapsberry PIs, and design focused workshops with topics ranging from UX design to production.

Tracks at OpenTechSummit
OpenTechSummit China is always looking for team members who are interested to support the event." Join us here!
Visit OpenTechSummit China to connect with developers, makers and learn about the Silicon Valley of the Far East.
Buy a ticket | 注册 Check out the schedule-
Day 1 - November 21 Shenzhen Tech Scene Exploration Day
Visit the famous Huqiangbei and meet local makers.
Day 2 - November 22 Conference Day
Opening, Keynotes, and presentations
Day 3 - November 23 Python Workshop Track and Open Hack Lab
Join us at OpenFIESTA Institute at Tsinghua University Graduate Campus and participate in the Python Workshop or work on projects in the Open Hack Lab.

10:00 AM, Saturday, 23 Nov.
Python Workshop at OpenFIESTA
In cooperation with Pycon World we conduct an introductory Python Workshop on Saturday, November 23 at OpenFIESTA.

Open X Lab, Saturday November 23, 10:00 - 17:00 at OpenFIESTA

Do Science with PSLab Open Hardware at Open X Lab
Become a Scientist with Pocket Science Lab. We will have different tables to experiment with the Pocket Science Lab. Simply connect your phone to a PSLab and start measuring!

Create Open Voices Assistants with SUSI.AI at Open X Lab
Set up personal voice assistants with SUSI.AI, .

Do your own project at Open X Lab
Create and show your own work at Open X Lab. Come to the event, share your ideas and goals and get contributors on board. Or simply, play around with projects like Magic LED Badges, make your own video screencasts and Open Hardware.